Athletics at NHCS

Click here to download the Sports Physical Form

Click here for Game Changer

Basketball for High School    

Grades 9 -12   


Basketball for Middle School 

Grades 4-8


Grades 4 - 12



Grades 4 - 12


Nov. 20th and Dec. 4th-Junior High Basketball Practice will meet at Family Worship Center NOT at Grace Community Church. I’m sorry for any confusion-but the gym at Grace is unavailable for these two dates and these are important practice dates before our first games. 

Please join Game Changer! Also-please make sure your notifications are “on” for this app.This is our fastest, most reliable way to communicate during the athletics season! Your experience will be much smoother if you join the teams on this app! 

As a reminder: 

  • Once you have the app downloaded you are going to search for your team:

    • For Cheerleading: “NHCS Cheerleaders”

    • For Junior High Basketball: “NHCS Junior High Basketball”

    • For High School Basketball: “NHCS High School Basketball”

  • You then can choose whether you are a Player, Family Member or Fan

    • If you choose “Player” or “Family Member” you will be able to message within the app to the whole team, or your coach.

    •  “Fans” will not have the messaging capabilities